Saturday, August 30, 2008

Meet the "girls"

Hi! Welcome to PugsOnParade!

First and foremost let me introduce you to the stars of this roadshow. Pleased to make your acquaintance are Sayuri Pumpkin (the larger of the two) and Patchouli Sunshine. They are 22 months and 13 months respectively. They are the daughters we never had. Sayuri (or Sayu for short) is the more classic looking Chinese Pug. She's quite stocky, has several rolls , all the required features of a pug and a face that only a mother can love. Sayu is spayed and at present weighs about 22 pounds. About average for a pug...or so I keep telling her. She loves it when anyone chants "Sayuri Patooti Muy Cutie!"

Patchouli (or Patchu as we call her) is small for her age. I don't know what happened. When we first got her at 6 weeks of age she was a healthy looking specimen with a good appetite. After we got her home and had her for about a week she started to behave like a much younger puppy. I began to think that perhaps she was not really 6 weeks of age. She kept us up many a night with what appeared to be seizure like activity and displayed some breathing difficulties. By this time, we were already committed to her and could not think of returning her to the breeder. She won our hearts from day one as do all pug puppies. We persevered and kept watchful eyes on her, had her checked out by the vet and thankfully she came through her crisis just fine. Although she didn't eat as much as Sayuri, she did have an appetite. Also, she did not grow at the same rate as Sayuri, but nevertheless she was growing until she just stopped. Patchouli is half the size of Sayuri and weighs about 10 pounds. She has the most expressive little eyes and is the most ferocious of the two.

The two pugs get into all sorts of mischief and are BFFs (best friends forever). They adore their "mommy" and "daddy" and love being the center of attention. If anyone visits our house they better be prepared for a big sloppy welcome and a thorough search of pockets or purses for treats. Additionally, anyone visiting will be handed a pet hair roller because they will be covered in pug hair. We have no need for carpetting in our house--we have pug hair. Furthermore, the smell in the house is not coming from our bathroom or the human inhabitants, but rather from the "girls". Please do not be offended as they do burp outloud and pass gas very often.

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