Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pugs in October

Well look at that...another month has passed by and we are now in October. I swear I must be off in another world. Sayuri's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. We recently had quite a few cable technicians at the house for some sort of problem or another. The techs were quite impressed with the "girls". One tech said he had never seen such a big pug as my Sayuri. I, of course, was quick to defend my portly pugster and explained that she was merely very muscular. Speaking of portly, Miss Patchouli is starting to pack on a little weight. Nowadays, I can't tell the difference who is lying between us in bed...Sayuri or Patchouli.

With the change in months comes the change in seasons which makes for a most delightful predawn sky. The stars are so clear and you can almost touch them. The "girls" and I have witnessed several shooting stars in the wee hours before the sun comes up. I can only wonder who God hired to design the solar system and the placement of the stars and constellations.
Would they ever get a gig on HGTV?

There--I've shared my deep thought of the day with you. Peace!