Saturday, November 1, 2008

November News

Well, it is now November. Where did the year go? Sayuri recently celebrated her second birthday. The evenings are getting longer and cooler because the girls are sleeping more. Sayuri is feeling a little overwhelmed because I have been arranging the furniture again and it makes her nervous. Yesterday was Halloween and we decided to give out candy this year. something we had not done in over 15 years, but since we now live in a new house and a new neighborhood, I thought it would be a good way to show the neighborhood that we are nice people. We didn't decorate much except for the scarecrows and pumpkins by the front door and a small jack-o-lantern on the porch. We only gave out candy for about an hour and both girls were excited by the "trick or treaters" and the fact that Mommy was hanging out on the porch so that the puggies wouldn't run out every time I opened the door. Today I went shopping to purchase Halloween gear at 50% off so I'll be ready for next year. Next year we'll really go all out for Halloween---maybe. I could dress Sayu and Patchu like little gargoyles.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pugs in October

Well look at that...another month has passed by and we are now in October. I swear I must be off in another world. Sayuri's birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. We recently had quite a few cable technicians at the house for some sort of problem or another. The techs were quite impressed with the "girls". One tech said he had never seen such a big pug as my Sayuri. I, of course, was quick to defend my portly pugster and explained that she was merely very muscular. Speaking of portly, Miss Patchouli is starting to pack on a little weight. Nowadays, I can't tell the difference who is lying between us in bed...Sayuri or Patchouli.

With the change in months comes the change in seasons which makes for a most delightful predawn sky. The stars are so clear and you can almost touch them. The "girls" and I have witnessed several shooting stars in the wee hours before the sun comes up. I can only wonder who God hired to design the solar system and the placement of the stars and constellations.
Would they ever get a gig on HGTV?

There--I've shared my deep thought of the day with you. Peace!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Puggy feels poorly

My poor little Sayuri is not feeling herself. Now granted she has not lost her appetite in the least but she is definitely not the same little Sayuri Pumpkin. She has been having little poopy accidents here and there and she feels just terrible about it. She has to get up in the middle of the night to go potty. Momma has to get up with her and keep her company because she doesn't like to go outside by herself. It is not easy trying to lift a 22+ pound pug to rush her out the door. The pooping is not the only problem. Her flatulence can literally clear a room and usually when there is company. I am thinking that due to all the rain we have had she might have ingested something that just messed up her system. The good news is that she can take Pepto Bismol like a little trooper without making a huge mess. I hope she gets back to being her normal self.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's the Weekend

The "girls" are just exhausted from a very busy week of babysitting Jordan. Now that the baby is about 10 months old, he is literally climbing the walls, the furniture, the tables, and the pugs. Jordan finds it fascinating to watch Sayu and Patchu wrestle on the bed and will crawl over and get in the middle of the melee. Perhaps he thinks he's a referee. Anyway, once the "girls" realize that Jordan is getting involved in their game, they immediately stop and retreat so they don't hurt him. Jordan then crawls all over them and pulls on their curly-q tails and their hind legs. The "girls" can only look at me as if to say "when is nap time?"

When Jordan's daddy came home to pick him up after work, Jordan had just woken from a brief nap and was playing in the living room. Of course, that would be the time that he would fall after pulling himself up on a little bench. Once his little bottom hit the floor, Sayuri rushed to his side to make sure he was o.k. Daddy was very concerned but I reassured him that if he had really hurt himself, he would have continued crying and would not have tried to get on the bench once again.

Once daddy took Jordan home, the "girls" called it a day.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Meet the "girls"

Hi! Welcome to PugsOnParade!

First and foremost let me introduce you to the stars of this roadshow. Pleased to make your acquaintance are Sayuri Pumpkin (the larger of the two) and Patchouli Sunshine. They are 22 months and 13 months respectively. They are the daughters we never had. Sayuri (or Sayu for short) is the more classic looking Chinese Pug. She's quite stocky, has several rolls , all the required features of a pug and a face that only a mother can love. Sayu is spayed and at present weighs about 22 pounds. About average for a pug...or so I keep telling her. She loves it when anyone chants "Sayuri Patooti Muy Cutie!"

Patchouli (or Patchu as we call her) is small for her age. I don't know what happened. When we first got her at 6 weeks of age she was a healthy looking specimen with a good appetite. After we got her home and had her for about a week she started to behave like a much younger puppy. I began to think that perhaps she was not really 6 weeks of age. She kept us up many a night with what appeared to be seizure like activity and displayed some breathing difficulties. By this time, we were already committed to her and could not think of returning her to the breeder. She won our hearts from day one as do all pug puppies. We persevered and kept watchful eyes on her, had her checked out by the vet and thankfully she came through her crisis just fine. Although she didn't eat as much as Sayuri, she did have an appetite. Also, she did not grow at the same rate as Sayuri, but nevertheless she was growing until she just stopped. Patchouli is half the size of Sayuri and weighs about 10 pounds. She has the most expressive little eyes and is the most ferocious of the two.

The two pugs get into all sorts of mischief and are BFFs (best friends forever). They adore their "mommy" and "daddy" and love being the center of attention. If anyone visits our house they better be prepared for a big sloppy welcome and a thorough search of pockets or purses for treats. Additionally, anyone visiting will be handed a pet hair roller because they will be covered in pug hair. We have no need for carpetting in our house--we have pug hair. Furthermore, the smell in the house is not coming from our bathroom or the human inhabitants, but rather from the "girls". Please do not be offended as they do burp outloud and pass gas very often.