Friday, September 12, 2008

Puggy feels poorly

My poor little Sayuri is not feeling herself. Now granted she has not lost her appetite in the least but she is definitely not the same little Sayuri Pumpkin. She has been having little poopy accidents here and there and she feels just terrible about it. She has to get up in the middle of the night to go potty. Momma has to get up with her and keep her company because she doesn't like to go outside by herself. It is not easy trying to lift a 22+ pound pug to rush her out the door. The pooping is not the only problem. Her flatulence can literally clear a room and usually when there is company. I am thinking that due to all the rain we have had she might have ingested something that just messed up her system. The good news is that she can take Pepto Bismol like a little trooper without making a huge mess. I hope she gets back to being her normal self.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's the Weekend

The "girls" are just exhausted from a very busy week of babysitting Jordan. Now that the baby is about 10 months old, he is literally climbing the walls, the furniture, the tables, and the pugs. Jordan finds it fascinating to watch Sayu and Patchu wrestle on the bed and will crawl over and get in the middle of the melee. Perhaps he thinks he's a referee. Anyway, once the "girls" realize that Jordan is getting involved in their game, they immediately stop and retreat so they don't hurt him. Jordan then crawls all over them and pulls on their curly-q tails and their hind legs. The "girls" can only look at me as if to say "when is nap time?"

When Jordan's daddy came home to pick him up after work, Jordan had just woken from a brief nap and was playing in the living room. Of course, that would be the time that he would fall after pulling himself up on a little bench. Once his little bottom hit the floor, Sayuri rushed to his side to make sure he was o.k. Daddy was very concerned but I reassured him that if he had really hurt himself, he would have continued crying and would not have tried to get on the bench once again.

Once daddy took Jordan home, the "girls" called it a day.